Shroud of the Avatar Wiki
Shroud of the Avatar Wiki
Novia Overland

High Detail Map of Novia, courtesy Birko

The world of New Britannia is quite large and has a rich history that builds upon the Ultima series of games. It has many hidden corners and secrets and can be traveled by different means.

New Britannia is split into zones (each with loading screen) of which there are 3 types:

- settlements (public or player owned towns POTs)

- adventure scenes

- overland map

The latter connects most of the different zones. Some POTs are nested within other settlements and can't be accessed from the overland map and some adventure scenes are nested within settlements or other adventure scenes.


Novia is the first continent in New Britannia that was released in Shroud of the Avatar. Novia has been divided into separate regions.

Runic Map with Regions Latin Letters Map with Regions Latin Letters Map with Regions II
SotA Map Runic
SotA Map English
Novia latin map


Norgard Noreach North Paladis Graff Island Drachvald Hidden Vale
Map for regions
Forsaken Vale Midmaer Grunvald