As of July 2018 there are several ways of travel but not yet personal mounts (horses are planned for introduction with Episode 2):
- By feet.
- Using a boat at a dock, manholes, ballon or wagon for pre-determined instant travel.
- Lunar Rifts are found throughout the land and their destination changes based on the phases of the moon.
- Make friends and use a teleport scroll to join them in their current scene.
- Use a recall scroll to return home to your lot or a town crier that you've bound to.
- Using a coconut set as a mount aka Monty Python style can usually get you through passes without dying.
- Training the dash and sprint skills can also help you out pace most enemies.
Lunar Rifts[]
Lunar rifts are peculiar stone rings in 6 locations: the three starter outskirts Solace Bridge, Blood River, Highvale, the starter island, Island of Storms as well as Brookside, Owl's Head, Westend, Brittany Graveyard and Etceter.
They are only open at certain moon phases which change every 8 minutes and 45 seconds and then target specific directions:
There is a little tool to calculate what the current target is: or for offline use download the files from:
As well a tool at this site:
If one wants to go to Island of Storms again one only has to go to any Lunar Rift location and re-use it while it is still targeting the location one is already at.