Shroud of the Avatar Wiki
Shroud of the Avatar Wiki

Skill Spheres[]

Combat Magic Crafting
SotA sigils Combat 01
SotA sigils Magic 01
SotA sigils Crafting 01

Skill XP pools[]

You have a pool of experience points for adventuring and one for crafting, depicted in your skills window (K) bottom right. Every day of log in both pools are replenished with 10,000 xp. Quests reward either type of experience pool or both. Every action generates further xp for either crafting or adventuring.

In online mode you can have a maximum of 500,000 xp pool gain per hour before the pool gain slows down more and more until you stop at 1,000,000 per hour.

Skill Status[]

Skills in the skills window are set to "raise" (green arrow), maintain (orange), neutral (grey) and forget (red).

Forget: quickly decreases the skill while replenishing the pool again to some degree (though xp is lost in the process)

Raise: Whenever you perform an action using that skill the xp generated will go towards raising the skill, if there is extra xp it goes into the appropriate pool. If you die and skill decay would occur the pool is used to maintain the skill.

Maintain: Whenever you perform an action using that skill the xp generated will go towards the appropriate pool. If you die and skill decay would occur the pool is used to maintain the skill.

Neutral: Whenever you perform an action using that skill the xp generated will go towards the appropriate pool. If you die and skill decay would occur the skill is decaying without using the pool.

The more skills you set to raise, the slower the skills increase.