Shroud of the Avatar Wiki

Lots are places in the world player can claim by used deeds to erect their homes.

Lots can be in public towns or in player owned towns (POTs). You can check the available lots ingame by talking to a guard or town crier or online by using

Sometimes player do not only sell deeds and homes but lots as well here

If you can't afford a deed or lot or house you can always consider renting from other player.


They come in different types.

SotA Property Lot Sizes1-1024x528
  • row lot (10x15 meters, 500 gold tax per day)
  • village lot (1000 gold tax per day)
  • town
  • city
  • water - only ship homes can be used with those
  • castle

Public lots are usually taxed, the price depends on the type of lot and is charged daily. But if one owns a tax-free deed the tax is voided. Some player owned towns have free lots without tax under certain rules. The tax can be paid up to 90 days in advance. If the tax is not paid the deed, home and all its content is transferred to the player's bank. In addition lots usually require a player to log in within certain periods to not loose the claim.

Just because one owns deeds does not mean one can find or afford a lot for them.


Fences can be placed around village,town or city lots. To enclose a lot with a gated fence one needs:

  • village - 4x Corner Fence, 1x Gated Fence, 4x Long Fence and 2x Medium Fence.
  • town - 4x Corner Fence, 1x Gated Fence, 8x Long Fence and 2x Medium Fence.
  • city - 4x Corner Fence, 1x Gated Fence, 14x Long Fence and 2x Medium Fence.

The two Medium Fence items allow flexibility about where to place the gate.