Shroud of the Avatar Wiki
Shroud of the Avatar Wiki

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One of the funniest characteristics of SotA is the range of emotes that Avatars can learn during their adventures. Though not essential to progress in the game, they allow greater immersion into this world, for either Role Play, parties and meeting promoted by other players or when chatting with friends.

Opening the Emotes list[]

To view the emotes that are currently available to you, press O and the Emotes list will open. You will notice that some of them have the word “Teachable” or “Re-Teachable” after their name. That means that other players can learn these emotes from you (and, conversely, you can learn emotes from other players too).

The difference between “Teachable” and “Re-Teachable” emotes is that players who learn the later from another player can teach these emotes to other people. “Teachable” emotes, on the other side, can only be learned from players who got them directly from NPCs. If the emote has nothing after its name, it can only be learned through NPCs.

To use an emote, you can either double-click it on the emotes list or type its name (as written in the emote list) in the chat window.


You can also create custom emotes by typing the following in the chat window:

/em %EmoteName%

Example: /em is dancing wildly %magic%

Emotes List[]

In addition to the initial emotes, you can learn many more ways to express your feelings. Quests, interactions with NPCs and other Avatars can teach a range of emotes. The list below has most of the available emotes up to the patch R49 and will be updated often.

Emote NameArea: NPC

BackflipSoltown: Abigail / Desolis: Tobbin Tedbare

BatonthrowArdoris: Darcy

BatontwirlArdoris: Darcy

BegArdoris: Ellery

BelchEpitaph: Forgotten Prisoner

Belly DanceArdoris: Zangoff

Belly LaughBeginner areas: Edvard

BlushArdoris: Zangoff

BooEtceter: Kitra

BurpBraemar: Karl Rognoff

ConductAerie: Felicia Perdue

CoughJaanaford: Joshua Hugtight

Courage SaluteArdoris: Virtue Students

Cower – Fauns

CringeKiln: Dion

FormalcourageHighvale Outskirts: Horatio

GolfclapEtceter: Aaron Denbo

GrovelSoltown: Chad

GuardArdoris: Mountain Palace Guards

HappydanceSoltown: Kitty

Heartattack - Perennial Coast Roads: Shandy Chapman, the Wandering Merchant

HeavyhopakSoltown: Geof

HissAerie: Holiday

HoldhandsArdoris: Cai Lau

HugArdoris: Sheng Lau

HuzzahSpite: Smelly Bob

JuggleCentral Brittany: Vivian Deventer

Juggle BottlesArdoris: Peladjar

KissArdoris: Khasi

LeanbackOwl’s Head: Nob

LeanleftOwl’s Head: Nob

LeanrightOwl’s Head: Nob

LighthopakSoltown: Geof

Love SaluteArdoris: Virtue Students

MacarenaArdoris: Bruno Martelli

Magic DanceAerie: Shadala Truesong

MarchSpite: Chuck Hamilton

MimeropeVertas: Quant

MimewallVertas: Quant

Nose PickOwl’s Head: Nob

Oldprospectordance - Tenebris Harbor

PanicResolute: Willem

PaperDesolis: Tobbin Tedbare

Play DeadNecropolis: Kardan Marbane

PontificateDesolis: Elara Solstar

PrayArdoris: Damai

RantSolania: Allen

RockDesolis: Tobbin Tedbare

SaluteOwl’s Head: Lord Enmar

ScareSolace Bridge Outskirts: Forgetful Ghost

Scheming - Port Graff: Ebon Dawn prisoner

ScissorsDesolis: Tobbin Tedbare

ShiverBrightbone Pass: Sovok

ShrugDesolis: The Shish

SighSolania: Allen

SingSoltown: Stan Clark

SneezeArdoris: Jeffrey Post

SpankBrittany Alleys: Orphanage / Ardoris: Lucille

Starrlton – Darkstarr

Tableflip – Atos

TauntEtceter: Satyr guards

ThankAerie: New Hawkers

TimeriftSolace Bridge: Eugena

TiphatArdoris: Kardan Marbane

Truth SaluteArdoris: Virtue Students

WaitEtceter: Robin the brave

WaltzfollowArdoris Palace of the Wind: Damai

WaltzleadArdoris Palace of the Wind: Damai

WarmhandsBrightbone Pass: Sovok

WhisperArdoris: Lucille

WhittleBlood River Outskirts: Ennius

ZombieSoltown: Ashton