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Shroud of the Avatar Wiki

Combat Tutorial - Shroud of the Avatar - Tutorials in 10 mins or less


Shroud of the Avatar- Forsaken Virtues -PC- Co-op Trailer

The combat system has up to 18 slots for glyphs (every potion/combat consumable and skill is available as a glyph) you drag into the right hand window. Every slot you don't fill is filled by a useless dummy. Below the glyph list is the actual hotkey bar for the glyphs that has 10 slots. If you place one of the 18 glyphs into a slot it will remain there statically for fights. If you leave a slot free the remaining glyphs from your 18-slot list will randomly appear (including dummies if any). Every skill or consumble has a timer/cool down and if they are on a random/empty hotbar slot the cooldown can be SHORTER. So it pays the put the crucial glyphs in the hotbar and the ones you don't need always but are good to have for one or more random/empty hotbar slots to cycle through.

Before you enter a zone from the overland map there is a stick with skulls which tells you the difficulty of the zone. No skull = base tier.

If you move on the overland map there are random encounter visible by moving critter or mobs, those contain not just opportunities for loot but resources as well. You can avoid them by circling widely around. The overland map has hidden permanent zones too which you only find if you walk there. Ships on the overland maps are functional with pre-set routes.

Make sure you sheath your weapons after a fight immediately (Z) so your health and focus recover more quickly.