Shroud of the Avatar Wiki
Shroud of the Avatar Wiki

Shroud of the Avatar "Pattern Tutorial" Part 1

Patterns are an important part of the SotA crafting system. They are used to change the look of a pre-existing item or player owned NPC. The application of a pattern is called re-shaping and part of the specific crafting skill that would make the item.


As such re-shaping is done at the appropriate crafting station and uses the pattern, some ingredients and generates xp and raises the skill.

Reshaping with patterns is restricted to the item type: you can only reshape a leather helmet with a leather helmet pattern, or a 2-handed sword with a 2-handed sword pattern (i.e. but not a 2-handed sword look like a dagger or a cloth helmet look like leather).

The pattern is consumed in the processed except for special pattern from pledges or such which state in their description that salvaging this item would yield the pattern again - a so called "Eternal Pattern".


Patterns can be traded between player and at NPC vendors and are a sought after good. Some patterns can be found in loot, others are from the Addon store or from pledge items only. Patterns can be salvaged from items sometimes but that is very unlikely if one is not a Grandmaster in salvaging for the particular item type, salvages high-durability items and uses salvage potions. Not all items have patterns associated that could be salvaged.


Ways to remove a pattern from an item/NPC:

  • salvage the item (potentially generate a pattern that can be applied to another item/npc)
  • replace the pattern with another by re-shaping once more (destroy the original pattern or for Eternal Patterns create the latter as item)
  • use a Pattern Remover (Add-On store): reset the look to the basic one and destroy the original pattern (or for Eternal Patterns create the latter as item)

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